Political science alumnus reflects on his Anteater experience and pathway to education, public service
In this podcast with KPFA - Against the Grain, Yousuf Al-Bulushi, global and international studies, lays out the operating principles, goals, and methods of Abahlali, one of the most well-known radical formations in all of Africa
Research by Jack Liebersohn, UCI economics, and Jesse Rothstein, UC Berkeley public policy and economics, explains in The Dallas Morning News (also in Yahoo)
Distinguished Career Service Award honors the UCI political scientist for commitment to Sexuality & Politics subfield, supporting LGBTQ+ affiliated issues
Findings published in Social Science Research track subprime mortgage crisis lending practices across U.S. neighborhoods
Shawn Rosenberg, UCI political scientist, explains on this episode of the WhoWhatWhy Podcast
UCI anthropologist Roxanne Varzi shares with The Dyslexia Life Hacks Show how she discovered her dyslexia strength in visual thinking
New book by UCI global and international studies professor Long T. Bui explores cultural knowledge, viral politics of the pandemic
Belinda Campos, professor of Chicano/Latino Studies, and Jessica Borelli, professor of psychological science, offer expertise in this piece for Greater Good Magazine
Penelope Maddy, UCI logic & philosophy of science Distinguished Professor emeritus, explains in this interview with Salon (also featured in Yahoo News and MSN)
The lasting impact of the UC Irvine School of Social Sciences Summer Academic Enrichment Program
Novel by the Chicano/Latino studies and literary journalism professor is a top readers' choice
U.S. Navy attorney Michael Habashy, '11 political science, mentors the next generation of Anteaters in Washington, DC
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