Anthropologist receives grant to study how the world’s largest nation is handling gender imbalance
UCI cognitive scientists’ non-invasive synthetic telepathy communication work featured in April edition of Discover Magazine
Daisy Reyes, sociology grad student, earns Lauds & Laurels honors for research on roles of student clubs on college campuses
Research topics funded to advance academic understanding of issues impacting our everyday lives
UCI sociologist and CDASA director Judith Treas explains in new book how society, culture and public policy impact who does chores in homes around the globe
NRC ranks department in top ten while four graduate student dissertations are selected among nation’s top 40 in cultural anthropology
Marine Corps veteran and current UCI Veterans Student Union president offers advice on pursuing undergraduate research at UCI
Interview is focus of book co-authored with UCI Chancellor's Professor Frank D. Bean, sociology
Study finds shifting societal views of sex have changed classification and regulation of sex crimes
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